We can give you the best content creation options for your business space
Мы предлагаем профессиональные решения
От готовых комплектов, до индивидуальных решений
Мы не спамим и не передаем ваши данные третьим лицам для связи!
We are great at engineering, we know how systems function, and since Y2015 we use all our knowledge not just to sell the equipment, but to solve your business tasks. Our team is doing its best to become #1 in your recommendation list.
Customer relations are of great importance to our company, thus we always evaluate the results of our projects even before signing a contract with our clients.
In Y2019 we got a well deserved award 'The best partner' from LG representative office in Moscow.
On February, 2019 we got an award 'The best image project on EliteBoard equipment' from ВОЕ representative office.
We integrated a custom video wall for 'Evening Moscow' newspaper editorial office.